Passionate about designing/developing UI for video games, web, mobile, touchscreen applications and interactive apps. And no-code for web of course.

UI/UX Designer | Technical UI Designer at Eventagrate

Eventagrate Group Feb 2021 - Present

Passionate about designing/developing UI for video games, web, mobile, touchscreen applications and interactive apps. And no-code for web of course.

UI/UX Designer | Technical UI Designer at Eventagrate

Eventagrate Group Feb 2021 - Present

Professional life

Work Experience


Senior UI/UX Designer

2024 — Present

⦁ Conceptualizing, designing, and implementing technical projects ⦁ Creating wireframes, prototyping and testing future apps in Figma to meet client expectations ⦁ Utilizing tools such as Unreal Engine, Unity, Ventus, and Blender ⦁ Managing the installation during the event, including troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Eventagrate Group

Technical UI Designer

2018 — 2024

⦁ Conceptualizing, designing, and implementing technical projects ⦁ Creating wireframes, prototyping and testing future apps in Figma to meet client expectations ⦁ Utilizing tools such as Unreal Engine, Unity, Ventus, and Blender ⦁ Managing the installation during the event, including troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Feb 2021 — Sep 2021

UI/UX Designer

Mimic Digital

⦁ Collaborated with a diverse team including developers, CEO, and designers to establish project objectives and define the design strategy by understanding the business goals. ⦁ Developed detailed storyboards, mockups, prototypes, wireframes to effectively communicate design concepts and requirements to engineering teams. Created comprehensive design documents to provide further clarification.

Jun 2020 — Dec 2020

Graphic Designer


Goverment Media graphic designs. Kazinform is a Kazakh international news agency and one of the largest media outlets in Kazakhstan. It is based in Astana. The news agency mainly focuses on national and Eurasian news. What I did • Creating and assembling infographics in digital poster format, for the informational Telegram channel Kazinform. • Designing posters • Creation of information brochures to inform the population • Creation of graphic elements for an online newspaper pages

May 2020 — Jan 2021

Graphic Designer

The Flow Education

Graphic Design. Creative stories and posts. The Flow Educational platform To make quality education available to every student and to unlock the maximum potential of our students Responsibilities: • Creating designs for advertising banners and social media design • Creation of graphic elements (collages, etc.) to be inserted on the site • Other duties related to graphic design • Together with designers to develop promotional materials: flyers, booklets, layouts for the site, the design of social networks, design layouts of packaging, souvenirs. • Participate in photo sessions as part of the development of designs


Senior UI/UX Designer

2024 — Present

⦁ Conceptualizing, designing, and implementing technical projects ⦁ Creating wireframes, prototyping and testing future apps in Figma to meet client expectations ⦁ Utilizing tools such as Unreal Engine, Unity, Ventus, and Blender ⦁ Managing the installation during the event, including troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Eventagrate Group

Technical UI Designer

2018 — 2024

⦁ Conceptualizing, designing, and implementing technical projects ⦁ Creating wireframes, prototyping and testing future apps in Figma to meet client expectations ⦁ Utilizing tools such as Unreal Engine, Unity, Ventus, and Blender ⦁ Managing the installation during the event, including troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Feb 2021 — Sep 2021

UI/UX Designer

Mimic Digital

⦁ Collaborated with a diverse team including developers, CEO, and designers to establish project objectives and define the design strategy by understanding the business goals. ⦁ Developed detailed storyboards, mockups, prototypes, wireframes to effectively communicate design concepts and requirements to engineering teams. Created comprehensive design documents to provide further clarification.

Jun 2020 — Dec 2020

Graphic Designer


Goverment Media graphic designs. Kazinform is a Kazakh international news agency and one of the largest media outlets in Kazakhstan. It is based in Astana. The news agency mainly focuses on national and Eurasian news. What I did • Creating and assembling infographics in digital poster format, for the informational Telegram channel Kazinform. • Designing posters • Creation of information brochures to inform the population • Creation of graphic elements for an online newspaper pages

May 2020 — Jan 2021

Graphic Designer

The Flow Education

Graphic Design. Creative stories and posts. The Flow Educational platform To make quality education available to every student and to unlock the maximum potential of our students Responsibilities: • Creating designs for advertising banners and social media design • Creation of graphic elements (collages, etc.) to be inserted on the site • Other duties related to graphic design • Together with designers to develop promotional materials: flyers, booklets, layouts for the site, the design of social networks, design layouts of packaging, souvenirs. • Participate in photo sessions as part of the development of designs

Favorite song

Me personally, I can't listen anything else but the Strokes


Things I am confident at


I spend here most of my time


Things I use all the time

  • C++

  • Unity

  • Miro

  • Pure Ref

  • C++

  • Unity

  • Miro

  • Pure Ref

  • C++

  • Unity

  • Miro

  • Pure Ref

  • C#

  • Adobe Suite

  • Webflow

  • C#

  • Adobe Suite

  • Webflow

  • C#

  • Adobe Suite

  • Webflow

  • Unreal Engine

  • DaVinci Resolve

  • Notion

  • Unreal Engine

  • DaVinci Resolve

  • Notion

  • Unreal Engine

  • DaVinci Resolve

  • Notion

  • Java

  • Figma

  • Trello

  • Java

  • Figma

  • Trello

  • Java

  • Figma

  • Trello

  • Ventuz

  • Framer

  • Github

  • Ventuz

  • Framer

  • Github

  • Ventuz

  • Framer

  • Github


Xiaomi 34 inch monitor


Keychron K8




RTX 4060

Inter Core i5 12th 12400f

16 GB RAM DRR4 3600mhz


Where and what I studied

2007 — 2012

Elementary School

17 School Lyceum

Lol it's elementary school

2012 — 2014

High School

Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum Atyrau

2012-2014 Certificates of completion of English language courses of elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate levels

2014 — 2015

High School

Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum Kokshetau

- 2014 Certificate of completion of practical and conversation courses at Westminster University of London - 2014 1st place at the regional competition in English. - 2017 3rd place at the English Language Olympiad of Akmola region. - 2014 Passed "Sambrige Key English test".

2015 — 2018

High School

Regional specialized boarding school for gifted children

- Member of the volunteer corps. - I am a current member of the linguistic Olympiad team - I took part in competitions in mathematics and English in Almaty in 2016. - In 2017 I was invited to participate in the international forum in Tokyo, Japan.

2018 — Present

Computer Science Bachelor

Suleyman Demirel University

Student Outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire in their matriculation through the program. By the time you graduate from our undergraduate program of Computer Science you will have achieved the following student outcomes: Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions; Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline; Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts; Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles; Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline; Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.[CS]


I take photos sometimes, Sony A7III

Well I always loved movies but never really tried making one. What I did when I was running a university art club doesn't count as it's way too Amateur or art house.

So it not like I gave up or anything. Making videos or photos was always a big thing to me. It's just that I found my new passion that has everything I ever liked in it.

And it's videogames. Yet I'm still not there but slowly and steadily my skillset is expanding the way that someday I could come up with some badass videogame.

Got a project in mind?

Reach out and let's make it happen!

Got a project in mind?

Reach out and let's make it happen!

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